Client Work

Facebook Messenger Bot to Register WordPress Users via ManyChat API

A client of mine had a grand vision for their Black Friday marketing initiatives. They were having a lot of success with Facebook Messenger and used ManyChat to automate conversation flows. For Black Friday, they wanted to give their Facebook contacts an easy way to join their WordPress website.

With their marketing team, I configured a ManyChat flow with Dynamic Blocks to process API requests to their WordPress website. The flow collected various information from the user and then sent a request to a custom WordPress REST API endpoint that I developed. Depending on the information provided, the custom endpoint would register the user in WordPress, tag the user in Keap, reward Gamipress points, and then respond with a success message containing their generated password and a sign-in link.

PETA Germany

Microsite WordPress Gutenberg Theme with ACF-Powered Custom Blocks

PETA Germany had rebranded their Veganstart mobile application and needed to update the promotional website to match. They worked with a web designer to create and publish the layouts in Adobe XD. I then developed a new WordPress Gutenberg theme based on the design compositions.

The site build notably included a custom SlickJS slider, GDPR compliance with CookiePro, custom blocks via ACF Pro’s acf_register_block_type() method in PHP, and adequate accessibility features. The differences between the desktop and mobile styles required quite a bit of finesse to achieve a smooth degradation in screen size. My goal was to use as few markup differences as possible between desktop and mobile to optimize performance and DOM tree simplicity.