Completionist Pro

Manage, pin, automate, and display Asana tasks in relevant areas of your WordPress admin and website frontend with premium features.

Latest Release Info

  • Version:


  • Released:

    8 months ago

  • Requires WP:


  • Tested Up To:


  • Requires PHP:


  • File Size:

    2.07 MB


2.1.0 - 2024-01-21


  • Updated Completionist Free to v4.1.1 (see changelog)

2.0.0 - 2024-01-05


  • New Uninstaller class to handle plugin data removal.
  • New Upgrader class to handle plugin version updates. This also offers support assistance when a version rollback is detected, which usually indicates that the user is experiencing issues with a newer version of the plugin.
  • New Dependency_Checker class to handle base plugin compatibility checks. This deactivates, removes, and prevents installation of the free version of the plugin while Completionist Pro is active to ensure proper functioning.


  • Updated the YahnisElsts/plugin-update-checker Composer package which facilitates remote updates.
  • Class declarations are no longer wrapped in if ( class_exists( ... ) ) checks. All classes are properly namespaced and should not normally cause collisions.
  • The base plugin has been moved from ./completionist to ./lite/completionist to ensure plugin activation works as expected.
  • Encapsulated scripts into namespaced function calls to avoid contaminating the global namespace.
  • Updated Completionist Free to v4.0.0 (see changelog)


  • The uninstall.php file. Data is now uninstalled by using the registered uninstall hook.
  • All require_once calls which manually included class files. The new Autoloader class now handles this.


  • Resolve console errors and warnings in React scripts logged when SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled.
  • Ensure the remote updates cron event is unscheduled during plugin uninstallation.


  • Improve sanitization of nonce values before validation.

1.5.0 - 2023-08-15


  • Support /board Asana project URLs for the [ptc_asana_project] shortcode by displaying tasks in a board layout of columns and task cards.


  • Updated Completionist Free to v3.10.0 (see changelog)


  • Using an unsupported layout value in the [ptc_asana_project_list] shortcode would cause projects to not be displayed. An error message is now displayed instead.
  • Minor styles for theme compatibility.

1.4.0 - 2023-07-10


  • Comments on tasks are now displayed in the [ptc_asana_project] and [ptc_asana_project_list] shortcodes with new attribute show_tasks_comments="true". It is disabled as false by default.


  • The generic Modal component was extracted from and now used within the TaskModal component. This slightly changes the DOM structure of this component, which may affect users' custom CSS rules.
  • The loading behavior of [ptc_asana_project_list] is now non-blocking. Each listed project will display its own loader so that projects may be interacted with as soon as possible.
  • Updated Completionist Free to v3.9.0 (see changelog)

1.3.0 - 2023-06-27


  • New [ptc_asana_project_list] shortcode to list a WordPress user's Asana projects.
  • User profile "Asana Projects" setting to select which Asana projects a WordPress user has permission to view.


  • Calendar view dates now have a white background.
  • Updated Completionist Free to v3.8.0 (see changelog)


  • Flash of an empty error message before the [ptc_asana_project] shortcode begins loading in calendar layout.
  • Cache data for remote plugin update checks is now removed during uninstallation.

1.2.0 - 2023-04-21


  • Filter hook 'task_modal_project_section_label' in JavaScript to change the "Section" label within the task modal.


  • Updated Completionist Free to v3.7.0 (see changelog)


  • The 'ptc-completionist-pro-shortcode-asana-project' stylesheet was constantly enqueued even when the [ptc_asana_project] shortcode was not present.

1.1.0 - 2023-04-11


  • Project section names are now displayed in the task modal. This cannot be configured, though untitled project section names will not be displayed. This datapoint is also exposed as an attribute on the .date-task-item for custom CSS styling, if desired.


  • Updated Completionist Free to v3.6.0 (see changelog)
  • Calendar view now displays localized weekday names based on the visitor's web browser locale.
  • Calendar view now displays localized weekday ordering, such as starting the week on Monday instead of Sunday, for visitors using a compatible web browser and locale.
  • The 'ptc-completionist-pro-shortcode-asana-project' stylesheet's version is now the stylesheet's build version rather than the Completionist Pro plugin's version.


  • The task modal would vertically overflow the screen on mobile when the top bar or address bar was visible.
  • Calendar view timezone issues causing today's date to sometimes display off by one day in specific timezones.

1.0.0 - 2023-03-29


  • Support /calendar Asana project URLs for the [ptc_asana_project] shortcode by displaying tasks in a calendar layout.